Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein and Grape Seed 450g


Nuewee Organic Blackcurrantwith GrapeSeedsis 100% vegan product without anyartificial ingredients. The high protein content makes it an ideal source ofvegetable protein and valuable source of other nutrients like DHA, GOS,Probiotic, Calcium,Vitamin Cand so on. Powder is also rich infibre, and low in saturated fats. The sweet flavor comes from the naturalblackcurrant powder and fructose so that it gives an extra energyboost to your protein serving. Added with Lutein whichis called as “Eye Vitamins” to prevent eye diseases including age-relatedmacular degeneration (AMD), cataracts and retinitis pigmentosa. The antioxidant contents in Grape Seed and Alpha OPCs are approximately 2 times morepowerful than vitamin E and as much as 4 times stronger than vitamin C. Health benefitsof these Grape Seeds & OPCsinclude antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory,anti-allergic, and vasodilatory.Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Grape Seeds isa healthy and natural way to optimize your daily nutrientsneed.This product is suitable for all age groups, especially growing children, busyworking group and senior citizen.

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Nuewee Organic Blackcurrantwith GrapeSeedsis 100% vegan product without anyartificial ingredients. The high protein content makes it an ideal source ofvegetable protein and valuable source of other nutrients like DHA, GOS,Probiotic, Calcium,Vitamin Cand so on. Powder is also rich infibre, and low in saturated fats. The sweet flavor comes from the naturalblackcurrant powder and fructose so that it gives an extra energyboost to your protein serving. Added with Lutein whichis called as “Eye Vitamins” to prevent eye diseases including age-relatedmacular degeneration (AMD), cataracts and retinitis pigmentosa. The antioxidant contents in Grape Seed and Alpha OPCs are approximately 2 times morepowerful than vitamin E and as much as 4 times stronger than vitamin C. Health benefitsof these Grape Seeds & OPCsinclude antibacterial, antiviral, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory,anti-allergic, and vasodilatory.Nuewee Organic Blackcurrant Protein with Grape Seeds isa healthy and natural way to optimize your daily nutrientsneed.This product is suitable for all age groups, especially growing children, busyworking group and senior citizen.

Nuewee有机黑加仑子蛋白粉与葡萄籽是100%适合素食者,而且没有任何化学成份。这产品富含纤维,低饱和脂肪,蛋白质含量高,是摄取植物蛋白的理想来源。也含有DHA,低聚半乳糖(GOS),益生菌,纳米钙,维他命C等其他营养素。甜味来自天然黑加仑粉和果糖,因此它可以成为您提供额外的能量。加上被称之为”眼睛维他命”的叶黄素,可减缓视力下降和预防眼部疾病如老年性黄斑变性(AMD),白内障和视网膜色素变性等眼疾。葡萄籽和Alpha OPCs抗氧化剂比维生素E强约2倍,比维生素C强4倍。这些葡萄籽和OPCs的健康益处包括抗菌,抗病毒,抗癌,抗炎,抗过敏和血管扩张等好处。Nuewee有机黑加仑子蛋白粉与葡萄籽以最健康和自然方式提供您的每日所需的营养素。这产品适用于所有成长中的儿童,工作繁忙的成年人和长辈们。

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Weight 0.7 kg


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