Black Rice (Forbidden Rice) is black when raw and dark purple when cooked. One theory as to the name is that it was reserved for emperors in ancient China because of its nutritiousness and rarity. It is popular with vegetarians and vegans because it has a favorable nutrition profile, high in fiber mineral content (including iron). Like most rice, it supplies several important amino acids; additionally, the deep colour of black forbidden rice suggests the presence of phytonutrients. When cooked, forbidden rice has the smell of freshly-popped popcorn and turns the water that it is boiling in a brilliant purple colour. It has a deep, nutty taste. 黑香米又名皇帝米、紫米。所含锰、锌、铜等無機鹽都比白米高;熱量卻比白米低約一半;更含有白米所缺乏的維生素C、葉綠素、花青素及胡蘿蔔素等特殊成分,因而黑米比普通白米更具有營養。多食黑米具有開胃益中,健脾暖胃,明目活血,滑澀補精之功,對於少年白發、婦女產後虛弱,病後體虛以及貧血、腎虛均有很好的補養作用,對消化系統功能弱的人是很好的營養補品。
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