➡️MHP Miracle Bamboo Salt is made by placing natural sea salt acquired from the west coastal area of Korea into three-year-old raw bamboos.
➡️This is sealed with clay and put into a loesskiln and baked at high temperatures with pine tree fire wood.
➡️This salt has been baked 6 times.
➡️As a result, it integrates the medical efficacy of salt, bamboo, clay, pine resin and other natural materials.
➡️It is used in Korea to improve skin texture and purity.
➡️Ingesting bamboo salt is thought to aid in digestion and elimination.
➡️The alkaline properties of bamboo salt make it an effective anti-inflammatory anti-toxic agent and is thought to be effective for slimming, reducing body fat and improving the body’s pH level.
➡️竹盐为韓国人民喜爱的调味料, 因为它具有特殊保健效用: 将产自韩国西海岸的天然盐灌进三年生竹筒内, 放入黄土做成的窑中, 用松木做燃料煅烧, 融合了竹子、黄土、松脂等多种天然材质的药性, 所以有很好的保健效果。
➡️韩国女人皮肤都很好, 主要是她们在生活中使用竹盐和相关的产品, 内服可以清肠, 帮助消化, 外用还能消炎排毒, 瘦身减脂, 改善酸性体质。
➡️每天早上空腹喝一杯加了1小勺竹盐的纯净水能促进肠蠕动, 竹盐具有很好解毒排毒功能的原因是它的提炼技术。
➡️竹盐是高级调味料: 毎天煮食及饮料加竹盐, 可口又养生。
Weight: 200g/glass bottle
Country Origin: Korea
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